Uploads of user "Jah Varuna"

Color Therapy Remix

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Jah Varuna

Uploaded on 08.04.2011 @ 12:21
Clip Type : studio Mix
Clip Style : Video
Tags : ecosystem technology organism fictional character font green face cartoon nose head wing fauna visual effects grass eye propeller special effects plant forehead mouth line

This mix started as a slideshow for a show with Le Serpent Rouge and The Indigo Belly Dance Company, which features Zoe Jakes, Mardi Love and Rachel Brice. The word indigo lead me to delve into the topic of color therapy, the link between the shades of light we perceive and the flow of energy throughout our bodies and our lives. This is ancient technology, from chakra healing through transmutational enlightentment, without leaving this plane of reality, unless that's what you're into, in which case, highly encouraged...
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