
test 4

00:00 00:00

html5: MEDIA_ELEMENT_ERROR: Format error


Uploaded on 02.09.2015 @ 17:32
Clip Type : raw Footage
Clip Style : Video
Tags : sky yellow organism texture water green wall text orange water resources aqua atmosphere watercolor paint line art modern art paint painting underwater wood stain acrylic paint wood dust material wave grass sunlight

step 1 homevideos shot on iphone,
step 2 merged in groups of 10 on Magisto (for under a minute each)
step 3 final video captured on screen with camstudio (360x240) with different timeframes

final clips present some distortion
The uploaded and merged on magisto with some filtering provided, then recaptured on screen with camstudio, which also sliced up the video area and bloated it up giving a first glitchy feeling to it.
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