micro_noise prototype
mr.shintlaUploaded on 14.06.2011 @ 19:32 Clip Type : Documentation Clip Style : Video Tags : technology electronic device glass material electronics display device window space electronic engineering circuit prototyping breadboard gadget electronic instrument circuit component line finger this prototype of a tiny little micro_noise reacts on light. so we're able to convert video to sound! the opposite way as usual.
the best thing is, this is an easy to solder-yourself and hack around system by the sgmk (swiss society for mechatronic arts) just a little bit adapted for our purpose. this tiny little bugger can be soldered by anyone at the poolloop festival where videopong is going to feed the wall_of_loops to control the noisers. original micro_noise: ![]() |
Comments:mr.shintla on 25.06.2011 @ 16:45 Joel De Giovanni on 25.06.2011 @ 11:54 | No Remixes yet: |